Herland, Benjamin - S 442
Herm, Aaron - S 545
Heurion, Ruby (Gordon) - S 270
Heyerdahl, Sarah - S 182
Hickey, Joseph J. - S 700
Hill, Rick - S 182
Hirn, Kyle D. - S 386
Hispanic Business and Professionals Association - S 545
Historic Third Ward Association - S 147
Hitchman, Anna - S 443
Hmong Veterans - S 700
Hochkammer, Jon H. - S 793
Hockers, Craig - S 700
Hodag Country Festival, The - S 779
Hoeft, Dan - S 270
Hoeh, Sandra (Unterman) - S 367
Hoest, Eric - S 779
Hoffman, Carolynne - S 213
Hoffman, Randall L. - S 213
Holder, Jimmy - S 146
Holloway, Kristina - S 213
Holmes, Jessica Marie - S 112
Holperin, Andrew J. - S 779
Holterman, Lloyd A. - S 442
Holther, Beth - S 213
Honzelka, Kathryn - S 700
Hoopfer, Dorothy M. (Conley) - S 183
Hooyman, Andrew Patrick - S 545
Hopfensberger, Margaret - S 246
Hoppenworth, Paulus - S 183
Horne, Jonathan Kenneth - S 700
Horowitz, Scott - S 700
Horstmeyer, John Henry - S 737
Hoskins, Linda - S 213
Howard, Eric R. - S 476
Hoze, Priya - S 213
Hraychuck, Dave - S 599
Hudak, Andrew - S 183
Huelsman, Joanne B. - S 802
Huismann, Tylor David - S 700
Humphrey, Lindsey - S 599
Hunter, Jacquelyn Rose - S 112
Hurley, Steven - S 442
Hyland, Mike - S 737
Ince, Andrew - S 828
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 139 - S 779
Iron Workers Local No. 8 - S 246
Ives, Reverend Alan - S 661
Izard, Clarence - S 442
Jacobi, Jeff - S 700
Jacobson, Brandon J. - S 802
Jain, Rohan - S 700
Janiszewski, Casimir H. - S 700
Janssen, Mary - S 183
Jaquish, Ian Stewart - S 270
Jarmuz, Michael Joseph - S 213
Jasniewski, Karen - S 599
Jeanquart, Heidi - S 599
Jelen, Jeffery J., Jr. - S 828
Jenkins, Jeremy Ryan - S 545
Jensen, Joe - S 497
Jensen, Tom - S 599
Jeske, James Robert - S 442
Johnson, Brad - S 545
Johnson, Christopher Ray - S 793
Johnson, Dennis M. - S 802
Johnson, Edward H. - S 112
Johnson, Esther - S 386
Johnson, Jim - S 779
Johnson, Louvenia - S 246
Johnson, Nedra - S 779
Johnson, Raymond - S 270
Johnson, Stewart R. - S 112
Johnson, Willie, Jr. - S 476
Jolly, Al - S 442
Jones, Dewitt - S 764
Jones, Marilyn - S 442
Jones, Roger - S 793
Joynt, Thomas - S 213
July, Nick - S 700
Juneau, Samantha - S 367
Kaelber, Don - S 545
Kaelber Company - S 545
Kaney, Justin - S 442
Kannenberg, Gary and Juli - S 661
Karcher, John - S 270
Karlen, Jacob Daniel - S 442
Karnish, Geoffrey J. - S 821
Kasprzak, Nicholas - S 700